Do one set of each exercises (1-3 In order). Upon completion of exercise number three, a full set of the circuit is complete. Take a 20-30 second break between each set of the circuit(optional) or if you can't get through the whole circuit without a break, take it between each exercise. Do as many completed sets of the circuit as you would like (your discretion).I suggest you do no less than 3 sets for circuit 1.
Circuit two was just a little free style with my partner. Below is a video with majority of workout, I HOPE YOU ENJOY
circuit 1
curls 10 sets 10 reps
reverse curls 10 sets 5 reps
dips 10 sets 6 reps
circuit 2
burpees w/ 5 pushups 10 reps
reverse pull up 10 sets 7 reps
curls for the girls
7 reps then throw it to partner.. for a total of 7 minutes