Due to COVID-19 we are are forced to take drastic measure when it comes to our safety such as staying inside to avoid the virus. As a result of the wide spreading disease I have grown to adapt to home workouts. During these home workouts I have learned self growth, discipline, and to enjoy the comfort of my environment.
Do one set of each exercises (1-7 in order). Upon completion of exercise number seven, a full set of the circuit is complete. Take a 30-60 sec break between each set of the circuit(optional). Do as many completed sets of the circuit as you would like (your discretion). I suggest you do no less than 5 sets. For exercise number 4-6 light to moderate weight should be usedBELOW IS A VIDEO OF A FEW OF MY BEGINNING SETS.
workout 1
1)leg kick back 6 sets 10 reps per leg
2)lateral knee raise (dirty dog) 6 sets 10 reps each leg
3)spider mountain climbers 6 sets 10 reps each leg
4) skull crushers 6 sets 20 reps
5)over head barbell front raise 6 sets 20 reps
6)modified reverse crunches 6 sets 20 reps
7)vertical leg crunches 6 sets 20 reps
Do one set of each exercises (1-4 in order). Upon completion of exercise number four, a full set of the circuit is complete. Take a 1-3 minute break between each set of the circuit(optional). Do as many completed sets of the circuit as you would like (your discretion). I suggest you do no less than 4 sets.BELOW IS A VIDEO OF A FEW OF MY BEGINNING SETS.
workout 2
1) bicyle crunches 7sets 12 reps
2) knee crunches 7 sets 20 reps
3)oblique heel touches 7 sets 12 reps
4)toe reaches 7 sets 12 reps